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Friday, August 20, 2010

Dr. Laura I Reject Your Deposit!

As I said with Don Imus years ago NO APOLOGIES accepted! I was always taught if you say something , mean what you say and in my opinion she ment what she said. As an artists yes I use the word "Nigga" on and of records and have all my life and probably will continue to in the future. I hear people of many different races asian , black, hispanic and very few whites at times. I think we all have a little "Nigga" in us now as far as the word Nigger its a hate word and I will never let anyone of any race say it in that context. First off its a whole different story when you're on the receiving end from someone white saying that, cause personally I probably wouldn't respond in the most friendliest way if that would happen. The other thing I disagree with is that if you don't want people to call your significant other that then maybe you should date or marry the same race. I think we're at an day and age whree more and more inter-racial relationships and families are being started and I don't see a problem, I think its a major stride in easing the racism but at the same time its creating more hate by some. I say to those, get out of the "old days" times had to change! There are still a lot of people who are ignorant to this issue from ALL RACES, you beliefs are your beliefs, don't come around me with it though! It was also not okay for Kramer to say that a while back as well

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