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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Your Audio Engineer!

Welcome back to the The Producer's Corner! This is John Brown, formerly of I wanted to take the this time to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! So, what have you all been up to? By the music that I've had the pleasure to work on this year, it seems that you've been up to a lot! Personally, I took a hiatus from blogging and have been retooling and rebranding my business and it is my honor and privilege to introduce you to my new website: Your Audio Engineer was designed with "YOU" the client in mind.

You see in this industry we lose site of what really matters and as an Audio Engineer I wanted to bring the focus back to what's important and that's YOU! You and your music is what it's really about. Thanks to you, I have a job and get to do something that I love everyday! Thanks to you, I am able to help relay life messages through music! Thanks to you, I am able to grow and appreciate the things that matter in life. You see your music speaks through me and I am blessed to be able to lend my skills and expertise to such a worthy cause. 2013 has been a great year and I'm looking forward to what we can accomplish together in 2014.

If you're not already a client or you've never heard of me then I urge you to check out the site. My goal is to touch people's lives through music and to help others' dreams come true. Every song has a "voice" and I ask that if you like what you hear, that you too will let me to help get your "voice" heard by allowing me to become Your Audio Engineer! Again, the site is: and I am so happy to work on your music and look forward to another great year!

To Your Music!
John Brown
Your Audio Engineer

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