In today's world, you don't always need a major label to get a buzz, its all about doing a few things and being consistent in doing so. 1.) Drop links inside of forums, don't just go and leave a link to your music, but listen to someone elses music in return. 2.) Collaborating with new artists or producers whether its in your city or not. People remember names,thats why it is always good to get your name out there and work with different people you aren't accustomed to working with. 3.) Biggest one is be different, today as I look online, a lot of artists are doing the same thing, from FREE industry beat mixtapes, to free tagged beats in general. Why would anyone want to listen to a million remixes of the hottest song on the radio from an un-established artist? Thats the difference between a major artist doing a remix opposed to someone trying to get a buzz doing a remix. One other thing and I personally don't know where this comes from, but a lot of artists have a problem or feel they don't have to pay for beats. A lot of producers make it affordable for artists to buy beats some for 99 cents others sell beat specials like 5 for $20 and some artists still have problems doing that. I know you heard me say it time and time again as producers we didn't walk into guitar center asking for free merchandise, so why is it a lot of artists feel they don't have to pay for beats? I can't speak for other producers, but I will promote any artist that supports me, if you've seen my twitter or facebook time line or listen to my radio show then you know I'm not lying. 4. Last piece, get your own website and keep it fresh with content daily or weekly. Make your website a place fans can come to hang out and listen to music or see something interesting.
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