Whats good to all producers out there? First I'd like to shoutout all the Producers who follow Dee Dot's Producers Corner & live off beats, I look at these 2 respective groups as a fraternity of Producers.
I've been peeping a lot of timelines and message boards from a lot of producers particularly on soundclick and facebook and what I found are of course a lot of producers that are grinding and making things happen EVERY DAY on the other side of things there are the ones who still view this as a hobby and either A.)let other people influence their decisions and work ethic whether its friends or family. B.) Make a ton of beats and don't know how to market online or C.) Procrastinate. Now to start off with "A", we all have people in our lives we got love for dearly, but there comes a time where if you really want to pursue this music production, you're going to have to break out of your normal habits, playing video games 8-10 hours a day, buying jordans, hanging out with the homies etc. When it comes to people especially your family you're not saying their bad people, but you have to put in time whether its in the lab, promoting, or simply getting the knowledge on how you can build an actual beat business. You will get people that say its not possible, or even not take it as serious as you but you have to keep a consistent rhythm around things. Spend a few hours daily working on your biz which is not just making beats, but learning how to sell beats online or locally, learning how to network, or learning mixing and mastering techniques. The internet is an unlimited resource for knowledge, we all know how to google something when we want it, whats stopping you from googling something that can help you become successful in the future. Now comes the part of saying , every day I'm going to work______ hours a day on my business or whatever the case. If you made a few beats and expect to get paid the same day you're probably in the wrong business. What you do today has an effect 3 months, 6 months a year and so on so forth down the line. When I first learned about beat selling online it was 2009 I had got laid off from my job and I just did music for 5 months. I stumbled on a liveoffbeats.com ad on myspace and clicked on it, little did I know a few years later my life had changed. I took some of the courses and audio Postman had released and just kept doing what he said in all of them. Behold 2 years later I finally sell my first beat which was in March of this year. It didn't stop there, from that point on pretty much every month since then I've sold a beat, some months up to 6 beats some as little as one but its progress, and these were from people I've built a relationship with over the span of 2 years, and guess what they're going to tell their friends and so on so forth. So what I'm saying is get the knowledge, then apply it and be consistent at it. Just cause you're not making a beat one day doesn't mean you can't have a productive day, get online and network! Visualize your future and set goals, I promised they'll be reached!
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