I see with the ever growing count of "new" Laker fans, some people don't really know the sport of basketball. Sure Kobe has 5 titles, scored 81 has a gold medal but he hasn't went undefeated in the finals as a player, he hasn't NOT played a game 7, he hasn't won 5 MVP's or 6 finals MVP's in an era when MVP wasn't a popularity contest. Jordan has transcended the game as well from merchandising, to television and he wasn't as diva-esque as Kobe is. It seems today all these new Laker fans let their fan hood speak for them and not reality. Now is the now I'll give Kobe the best player of this era but to say he's better than MJ is completely absurd. Get off the Laker bandwagon and open your eyes and your minds because there's more to the history of basketball beyond what happend since 2008!
I applaud this article! Now he beats kobe in each statistical category besides three point percentage. Both games are similar but his airness has that athletic ability and will that kobe has never displayed. The NBA was a lot stronger defensively in jordans era and he was the better leader and more clutch than kobe will ever be. I can go on and on but I would be typing forever. So kobe fans YouTube or watch ultimate Jordan asap. Come down to reality in a hurry please? Signing off rothstein.