When I started producing in 2007 it started as something that I dreamed of doing for a living and as years went by I went from just producing to getting my first credits on Boome's 2009 New King On The Block album, last year co producing the track with Boome featuring Lil Flip & P.O.T- Game Time to also getting on the Ice Breaker Productions Radio Show. In addition to the show I now have my own segment on the show titled "The Producers Corner". I look forward to bigger things later on this year like finally walking away from a 9:00-5:00 job I've been working since 2001. Starting to feel like I'm finally reaching a dream and you can too! Don't ever give up, even at your darkest moments, the moment you do the next man will fill that spot that you wanted. Secondly stay positive, there will be family and people who say their your friends who you feel might not support you but again you gotta keep rolling. Its almost like the person who wasn't popular in high school that no one would talk to then flash forward years later everybody wants to jump on the wagon. I think of this the same way, the people who didn't support now or who viewed this as a joke will want to ride when they see you doing big things. Not saying cut them off, but don't stop your grind for people who never supported. I thank all the people in other cities that support that I've never really met in person, my whole camp Rize Up Ent, Ice Breaker Productions as well as the group at Live Off Beats for helping me get on the right path . The Grind Don't Stop
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