Being a music artist has its good times as well as its ugly times. In the end I wouldn't change anything for the world. One of the things though as an artist or producers that we have to ask ourselves is, Do we do it cause we love it and its who we are, or do we do it just to be scene and seemingly its popular to be an artists these days. Sometimes the answer shows each day, because each day you should be working towards a goal. Are you writing, if you're a producer are you making beats? Are you hitting the studio? Are you hitting people up online making connections with people in the industry. If you answered yes, then you're making PROGRESS. If you answered no then you're probably one of those people who do it cause its the cool thing to do these days. To the artists that are really grinding keep on doing it, no matter what, the industry nor time doesn't stop so why should you. Also occasionally you may have to make tough calls on things within close family or friends in order to move forward and take care of business to help your career, sure it sounds selfish, but you have to think of it in a way of if you're scheduled for work and something comes up depending on the circumstance you still end up going to work anyway. Think of your careers and business in the same light. As an artist/or producer we live in a very different world than everyone else we only understand what it is we have to do daily and what kind of routine we have. In our society we're trained from the beginning of working jobs that you have to be told to go to work and told to do whatever your job encompasses in order not to get fired or to get that promotion. Think of getting to the next level as an artist as your promotion! We live in a unique world and see everything totally different that the average person! Being an artist is like being in a fraternity!
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